Merger Info

On this happy occasion, allow us to convey the good news that 10 Bank BPR group PT. Modern Multiartha (MMA), namely PT. BPR Irian Sentosa, PT. BPR Palu Lokadana Utama, PT. BPR Modern Express Jateng, PT. BPR Modern Express Maluku Utara, PT. BPR Modern Express Papua Barat, PT. BPR Modern Express NTT, PT. BPR Modern Express Sulawesi Selatan, PT. BPR Modern Express Sultra, PT. BPR Modern Express Sulut (merged BPR); has officially merged into PT. BPR Modern Express as the recipient merged Bank.

The new journey of Bank BPR Modern Express has started with a corporate value that has always been held together, namely PROMISE (PROactive Improvement, Market Focus, Integration & Professionalism, Service Excellence & Empowerment Leadership).

Bank BPR Modern Express is here to realize wider and more excellent services for the beloved Indonesian people.

Get the latest information about Bank BPR Modern Express products on the following website and social media :
Website :
Instagram : @bprmodex
Facebook : BPR Modern Express
Youtube : @bprmodex

Bank BPR Modern Express is licensed and supervised by the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan and is an LPS guarantee participant

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